School Rules

  1. Everyone Student should mandatorily carry their Diary and school issued student identity card without fail every day. No students will be allowed to enter or leave the school on short emergency leave without showing their identity cards and permission slip at the exit gate, even if the student is accompanied by parents/guardians.
  2. Every student should paste his/her recent passport size photograph and the parent should write the required information, and should duly sign.
  3. Students using their own means of transport should be punctual before the requisite time.
  4. If any student is found with the possession of cell phone/ electronic gadget when in the school, the same will be confiscated and deposited in the office. A Non-negotiable Fine of Rupees 500/- needs to be paid by the parent to reclaim the same only at the end of the academic year.
  5. If there is a need to change classes between the periods it should be done methodically.
  6. Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. Students who are slovenly dressed or not in uniform will be sent home. Use of hair gel is not allowed. Wearing low waist trousers or skirts-is forbidden.
  7. All boys must keep their hair short. Girls must pleat their hair neatly with a black ribbon band.
  8. No books (other than text books or library books) should be brought to the school.
  9. Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not allowed.
  10. Students who come to school escorted should never leave before the escort arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the school office.
  11. Parents and guardians may meet the teachers, Incharges and the Principal during the specified time only. On PTM day all parent can meet between 9am to 12noon. On all other working days the parents can meet at the office desk between 9am to 11am and 3:20 pm to 4pm.
  12. Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the Receptionist. They will not be called to answer phone calls during class hours.
  13. Office bearers will wear their respective badges daily.
  14. Students using the school bus will maintain discipline in the bus.
  15. Students are expected to respect school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Any school property damaged even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Vice-Principal or the Principal.
  16. Cal Public School students should invariably be polite wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
  17. Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments such as knives etc. to the school, or any kind of object that can cause injury to others.
  18. Students are advised to keep their class room, school buildings and campus as clean as possible, and throw leftovers into the dustbins.
  19. The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles (like expensive watches or fountain pens) to school.
  20. Adhering to the culture of globalization and instill a sense of diversity the school has made it mandatory for shuffling of students in different sections every academic year. Parents are requested to cooperate.
  21. All articles, belonging to your child, must be clearly marked with the student’s name and class.
  22. Students should have their identity card with photograph pinned to their uniforms.
  23. The student should be dropped at the school gate by 8: 30 am. Please do not enter the classrooms or meet teachers without written permission of the Incharges or the Principal.
  24. No student should be absent without prior permission. In case there is an absence of more than a week the absentee student’s name will be stuck off from the school records.
  25. Term fee needs to be paid well before the due date specified in the prospectus. Fee defaulters will be levied with a fine of rs 10/- pert day beyond the due date. Delay in payment of the fee due for over 30 days will entail the Management to issue Transfer Certificate to such student.
  26. Fee counter timings are between 9am to 12 noon and 3:20pm to 4pm.
  27. Parents availing school transport for their children have to make arrangements to pick-up their wards from the pre-determined designated stops failing which the students will be brought back to the school and the parents themselves have to make necessary arrangements to pick their students from the school.
  28. In case of any injury to the child within the school premises the school will provide adequate preliminary first-aid and will immediately inform the parents about the injury. While the school will take required care for the welfare of the students, but then if there is any injury or accident while in the school or during transportation, or any sports, during picnics or excursion, the school management shall not be held responsible.
  29. In case of failure to follow the rules or for acts of “Misconduct” on the part of the parents or students the management has absolute right to remove such students name from the rolls and issue Transfer Certificate without any prior notice. The term “Misconduct” can be defined as trespassing into the school premises without permission of the Principal, staging dharna, protest, circulation of any inflammatory pamphlets etc inside or outside the school premises, damaging school property, abusing or manhandling any member of the teaching and non-teaching staff. Fabrication of any document, Defaming the school reputation by the parents, Guardians or kith and kin of the students.
  30. Only two way transportation is provided. No reimbursement will be paid for any mid-term cancelation of the school transportation.
  31. Any application for Transfer Certificates after the stipulated time will not be honored unless the appropriate applicable term fee is paid.